We’ve invited representatives from the Urban League, YMCA, United Way, Briarpatch, Sierra Club, and our very own Morgridge Center to answer these student-driven questions:
–What does a career working in the non-profit world mean to you?
–What was the path that led you to where you are now?
–What skills do you use most, and what skills might be important for students to develop?
–What are the most important rewards of your work? possible downsides?
–What are some important differences between types of non-profit organizations that students should consider?
–How can students make more direct connections between their passions for issues and possible career paths, and the necessary skills and experiences they need to be employable in their desired interest areas?
–Is nonprofit work best suited for particular personalities and personal values? If so, what might those be?
–How significant are things like grant writing, fundraising, and lobbying to your organization?