Drop-In Peer Advising Hours: CPLA Office
CPLA Office (Rm 205, Middleton Building) 1305 Linden Dr, MadisonStop by and meet with a peer advisor to answer your pre-law questions!
Stop by and meet with a peer advisor to answer your pre-law questions!
The Florida State University College of Law is consistently rated highly in terms of job placement, due to its extensive alumni network and central location. Lydia Florence, FSU's Enrollment Management Specialist, will be in the …
Law schools, the legal profession, and our wider communities benefit significantly from the unique experience and perspective that diverse students bring to the study and practice of law. Join the University of Wisconsin-Law School for …
Join Pre-Law Society & Chapman University for a Personal Statement Workshop this Saturday in the School of Education Building, Room L151. Grace Alcantara, an admissions counselor at Chapman University, will be providing her insight about …
Stop by with pre-law questions for Michelle!
Enjoy lunch while chatting with current 1L students about their law school experiences!
Stop by and meet with a peer advisor to answer your pre-law questions!
Join the Center for Pre-Law Advising at Rheta's Market (located inside the Chadbourne Residential College) on Friday, February 24, 2017, for information on the services we provide! Student advisers will be at a table during the …
Stop by with pre-law questions for Michelle!
Stop by and meet with a peer advisor to answer your pre-law questions!