Federal Government Job Search: Part Two

Union South (TITU)

Part Two - Write a Winning Federal Resume Have you been using your standard one page resume or multipage CV to apply for Federal jobs? Have you been frustrated by the lack of response to …

Wisconsin Statewide Pre-Law Diversity Day

UW Law School 975 Bascom Hill

The University of Wisconsin Law School and Marquette University Law School are pleased to invite all UW-Madison advisors and their students to join us for the Third Annual Wisconsin Statewide Pre-Law Diversity Day. Law schools, …

Finding and Applying for Jobs in State Government Agencies

Union South (TITU)

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND:  Erika Ryerson from the Office of State Employment Relations and Lisa Dally from the Department of Administration will discuss how to find your fit with the many opportunities available in Wisconsin …

Internship Search and Gap Year Workshop

Middleton Build Presentation Room 1305 Linden Dr., Madison, WI, United States

Come join the Center for Pre-Law Advising to learn best practices in finding the internship that's right for you, including how to write a strong cover letter and resume. Then, learn about why gap years …

Planning for Non-Profit Employment: A Panel of Professionals

Union South (TITU)

We've invited representatives from the Urban League, YMCA, United Way, Briarpatch, Sierra Club, and our very own Morgridge Center to answer these student-driven questions: --What does a career working in the non-profit world mean to you? …


UW Law School 975 Bascom Hill

The Pre-Law Society is offering a FREE practice LSAT exam, proctored by TestMasters. Students will get the chance to review their test afterwards with a professional. Additionally, free pizza will be provided to participants. Please …