Join an event co-hosted by the Midwest Association of Pre-Law Advisors (MAPLA) and the Midwest Alliance of Law School Administrators (MALSA) which involves an in-depth discussion of the law school admissions process. Representatives from institutions such …

Webinar: Crafting a Personal Statement

Crafting a Winning Law School Personal Statement In addition to describing the application-review process, presenters will provide a series of recommendations for crafting a winning personal statement. The featured presenter will be Mike Spivey, a veteran …

Webinar: Insider’s Guide

Insider's Guide to Gaining Admissions and Scholarship Aid at U.S. Law Schools Join two veteran deans of admission with a combined 40 years of experience at a cross-section of US law schools for an in-depth …

Webinar: Careers and Opportunities for Attorneys

Career Options and Market Outlook for Attorneys Learn about the skills that lawyers use, career options in the law, hiring and compensation data for new lawyers, and assessing the value of a legal education. The …

Webinar: Expert Advice

Expert Advice as You Plan for Law School and a Legal Career Two highly experienced pre-law advisors will share their insights based on practicing law and advising thousands of students about legal careers and the …

Public Service Fair

Union South-Varsity Hall

The Public Service Fair is an bi-annual event that hosts over 70 representatives from non-profit organizations and governmental agencies to showcase their current volunteer, internship, and/or employment opportunities. Students might also be interested in attending …

The LSAT Gear up Event

Middleton Build Presentation Room 1305 Linden Dr., Madison, WI, United States

Come learn tips on how to prepare for the LSAT, how to set a study schedule, and what to expect on the day of the exam.

Chicago-Kent Open House

llinois Institute of Technology: Chicago-Kent College of Law 565 W Adams St, Chicago, IL, United States

We invite you to join us to learn about two of the most important aspects of your law school experience: the actual classroom interaction with faculty and your community of student peers. Both will have …

Career Ready Workshop Series (A Double Header)

PrepShop I: Pre-Internship Fair PrepShop, Feb. 3, 2015, 4pm-5pm, Middleton Bldg. Presentation Room (1st Flr.) Planning for a gap year before applying to law schools or looking to gain work experience this summer with an internship? …

2015 Student Organization Fair

Kohl Center

The Student Organization Fair is an interactive fair for students to find out information about and make connects with Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) that align with their interests. Becoming a member of an RSO will …